Praktische Vaardigheden Ontwikkelen Sales Techniques | Page 25

CHAPTER 3 ETHICAL AND LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS IN SELLING Glengarry Glen Ross What were the principal ethical predicaments which Sheldon Levine (Jack Lemmon) and his cohorts faced? How could Shelley's extenuating circumstances justify his actions? What types of external pressures influenced the salespeople's unethical selling practices? How did the sales manager (Kevin Spacey) and top management (Mitch & Murray) foster the unethical practices? How the nameless motivational speaker (Alec Baldwin) address the issues of ethics? How does Dave Moss (Ed Harris), rationalize breaking the law? How does George Aaronow(Alan Arkin) violate rules of ethics? What was unethical about Ricky Roma's (Al Pacino) methods in prospecting and closing James Link (Jonathan Pryce)? Why was Ricky Roma's handling of Mr.Link 's cancellation unethical?