Purchase drive
It has been reported that most designer goods consumers are ‘very
media-savvy and keen readers of fashion and celebrity magazines as well
as blogs etc’ (Mintel Designer upmarket report) and figures showed
how media represent an important drive for buying into designer
market. Moreover, many will purchase designer goods as self-indulgent
treats while other will wait for special occasion. A shift into designer
consumers habits also emerged as it was reported that seasonal sales
have become the leading drive for designer purchase lately, which
clearly outline the financial difficulties brought by the crisis in 2008.
The audience
Since the economic crash in 2008,western consumers have been rethinking their shopping habits. Many have trade down for lower market brands
while other patiently wait for the seasonal sale to grab a bargain.Ultimately,
prices represent the main purchase drive of today’s fashion consumer.
Recent Mintel study reported that women mostly cut down their spending on designer goods in 2009, while men tend to continue on buying
into the market. Men will also most likely buy into casualwear while
women will prioritize formalwear when buying into high-end labels.
Key drive for luxury good purchase (Mintel)
The youth audience, targeted this campaign, are media savy and strong
users of social media platforms which have become a place where fashion opinions are expressed. Moreover, the 15-24 are fashion conscious,
interested in trend and easily influenced by trend leaders. They buy
clothes frequently and dressing represents a strong financial priority in
their life.The biggest fashion spenders appear to be the 14-17 audiences while the 18-25 tend to reduce fashion spending since facing many
financial threads influenced by the rise in tuition fees and cost of living.
Young people are most likely to be opiniated and create webpage/blog than other
age categories