Kristi Jackson
Kristi is a White House Recognized Innovator & Entrepreneur , an Award Winning Humanitarian ,
Founder of Women CEO Project www . womenceoproject . com , which was Voted Women ’ s Organization of Year , 2013 and Founder & Publisher of Power Culture
Magazine www . powerculturemag . com Follow her @ womenceo and @ powerculturemag
Deana Marshall
Deana is a mother , Internet SEO
Content Marketer , Freelance Writer , Bacon Extraordinaire , and the owner of ArticleWriteUp . com . When she is not managing her team of writers and working with clients to meet their SEO content needs , she is experimenting with various bacon recipes , baking breads , or doing yard work .
You can catch Deana on Twitter & FB @ articlewriteup
Tenecia Brown
Tenecia Brown is a writer that has a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Relations from The University of Texas at Austin . She ’ s passionate about language and the art of writing and specializes in storytelling and creative writing . She can be found on Twitter here .