Remi Roy
Remi is a writer , managing editor , blogger and aspiring author . She ’ s written for the Naija Stories , From the Sidelines , Gem Woman Magazine , Exceed Magazine , Lagos Moms , Femmelounge . com and many more . Follow Remi @ Remi _ Roy
Marcy Twete
Marcy Twete is the Founder and CEO of Career Girl Network , whose mission is to provide for women clear paths to career success and a large network of women to nurture , mentor , and support their goals . Marcy is a native of rural North Dakota . She now makes her home in the Chicago Loop with her husband Charlie . You can follow Marcy here
Dede Newby
Dede Newby is a freelance writer and songwriter . Her articles have been featured in Curve , Swerv , Qnotes and many other online outlets Catch Deed @ deaidrenewby or www . linkedin . com / in / deaidrenewby
AnneMarie Cross
Coach AnneMarie Cross is a Business and Branding Strategist for Women Entrepreneurs , who helps them get hired and paid what they ’ re worth . She can be found doling out content rich information on her blog or Twitter . Follow her here