Potential Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 39

Montgomery Catholic quotable
teen spotlight photography by Shelby Shubird
17 , Senior at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School
A Honor Roll President ’ s List Award ( 9th , 10th , 11th grade ) Most Outstanding Student Award ( 9th , 10th , 11th grade ) Awarded the Tom Doyle Scholarship for Math and Science Received various Departmental Awards

teresa ( esa ) gancayco

Montgomery Catholic quotable

“ Live in the present and not dwell on the past or try to worry about the future .”
her story
When asked what she enjoys most about attending Montgomery Catholic , Esa shared , “ My favorite thing about my school is the people there . I love the teachers , and the friendships I have made with some of my classmates are very special to me .” At her school , Esa is involved in Key Club , drama club , Youth Legislature , National Honors Society , Mu Alpha Theta Society and Cyber Patriots . She also works as a hostess / cashier at a restaurant called Las Casitas and its sister restaurant , Tia ’ s Cantina . She also participated in the Science Olympiad where she placed third in Ornithology . She advises incoming high school freshmen to “ not procrastinate with the things you want to do and try in high school , such as sports and school events , because these four years go by way faster than one may think .”
what ’ s next
Esa shared that she wants to become a dermatologist when she grows up . Her hobby is doing makeup which has led her to an obsession with skincare and an interest in becoming a dermatologist .
PG ( parental guidance ) rating
She shared “ What makes me proud is the way that my family supports each other in every possible scenario and works so hard to make each other happy . The best advice I have received from anyone is from my mother . It is probably the most common phrase , but it is to always try your best ." parents ’ perspective
Esa ’ s parents , Elizabeth and Vince Gancayco , shared , “ She is a hard worker , and it all stems from her personality . Even way back in elementary , teachers would remark that she , along with her academic prowess , is a hard working individual . This extra effort has even been carried outside of school , for example , her care for the family business . She is a considerate , fair , and humble young lady .”
Elizabeth and Vince had this advice for other parents , “ Show them love , no matter what point they are at in life . Give them honesty , even if it means that you have to tell them that they messed up ."
Teen Spotlights are eligible for a $ 500 Scholarship - Nomination forms at www . potentialmagazine . com / spotlights
www . potentialmagazine . com Fall 2022 | L15