Potential Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 40

Alabama Park Crossing
Christian High Academy
teen spotlight teen spotlight

nathanael ja ' niya nelson baillie johnson

Alabama Park Crossing

Christian High Academy


stats stats
17 , Senior at Alabama Christian Academy 17 , Senior at Park Crossing High School notable notable
National Merit Finalist AP 2022-2023 Scholar Senior with Honors Class President AUM National Baseball Honor All-Star Society2017 & 2018
FCM Perfect Soccer Attendance Club Montgomery 2015-2021 Honor Roll quotable
P . C . Jewels All Girl Mentor Group “ Look for yourself , and you will find in the long run only hatred quotable , loneliness , despair , rage , ruin , and decay . But look for Christ “ One decision and you dictates will find your Him future , and with .” Him everything else thrown in .” - C . S . Lewis her story his story
Ja ’ Niya shared her favorite part about attending Park Crossing Nathanael High School was is born “ getting Sweden to learn and things is a I dual didn citizen ’ t know ( Sweden before / USA and meeting ). He shared new that people his everyday favorite part . I learn about things attending I never ACA knew , is and that it amazes it provides me AP sometimes and dual . I enrollment love learning courses new things for college . Once credit I learn so about he can them enter at school college , as I begin a sophomore to do more and research finish college at earlier home .” . He Ja ’ Niya is a member was selected of the as National Senior Class Honor President Society , for the the on-staff 2022-2023 pianist school at Grace year . In Presbyterian addition to Church her role , a as member class president , she is also Christian part of Youth the Park Choir Crossing , and a High member School of Trinity Choir
of the
Montgomery Presbyterian and serves as Church the Boys . He Basketball is also part Team of various Manager clubs . She , such had this as the advice Rättvik for other Baseball students Club , in “ When Sweden entering , Vikarbyn high Fotboll school , Club always in remember Sweden , to Key stay Club focused , FCA , and stay the organized Montgomery . Don Symphony ' t Orchestra procrastinate . when it comes to doing work and studying .”
what s next photography by Shelby Shubird photography by Shelby Shubird
When Ja ” Niya asked shared what that he she wants plans to to do pursue after high a degree school in , physical Nathanael shared therapy , .“ I She think wants I am to being become called a physical into music therapist . Recently because , I have gotten she loves really helping involved people in music and believes at my church this field and best my fits city her , and I really personality enjoyed . doing this more than anything .”
PG ( parental guidance ) rating
Nathanael She shared shared , “ I am , proud “ My parents to say that have my inspired family me does the not most judge , but no matter not just what by the . My things grandmother they have is tried the most to teach inspirational me . I have person in my the life most right from now the . She way has they always act and been handle there different for me and
learned challenges taught me . to I am always glad push to have for come everything from a I want large . family I will , never but I am give most up and proud she that is the each reason of my for siblings that .” have very specific gifts and goals and that we are all moving in different directions .” parents ’ perspective parents ’ perspective
Nathanael ’ s parents , Gary and Linda Johnson , shared , “ We admire his Ja ’ Niya inner ’ s mother motivation , JaLeesa to achieve James , his shared work , “ I ethic admire , and that his JaNiya willingness is to never obey afraid his parents to try new and things teachers and . His doesn talents ’ t let ‘ translate anything ’ to hold Swedish her culture back . If when there ’ s he something is there every she wants summer to do on , our I always family let mission her go for .” it . Even as a parent , she doesn ’ t require my validation , she makes me
proud by blazing her own path .”
Gary and Linda had this advice for other parents , “ Your children parent-to-parent
a gift from God and not a possession to hold on JaLeesa to . Disciple had this them advice in Christ for other and parents live what , “ I think you say there you is believe no true , path for they for helping are watching a child more reach than his they / her full are listenintial . Each ' We will child not is hide different them , and from as their a parent children , you , have but tell to
to love the them coming for who generation they are the . If glorious you love deeds and support of the Lord their , and individuality , your , and child the wonders will feel that as if he they has can done reach .'” ( Psalm his / her 78:4 potential ) his might .”
Teen Spotlights are eligible for a $ 500 Scholarship - Nomination forms at www . potentialmagazine . com / spotlights Teen Spotlights are eligible for a $ 500 Scholarship - Nomination forms at www . potentialmagazine . com / spotlights
L16 | Fall 2022 www . potentialmagazine . com