Potential Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 38

Alabama Christian Academy her story
teen spotlight photography by Shelby Shubird
17 , Senior at Alabama Christian Academy
Principal ’ s Award Head of School Award Athletic Ambassador Spanish Honor Society
“ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you . The people around you are impacted by the way you exemplify yourself towards others .”

ava rose dean

Alabama Christian Academy her story

Ava Rose shared , “ My favorite thing about ACA is getting to grow my relationship with the Lord with my friends and teachers . My school does a great job of teaching each individual student how important it is to love God and love others .” At ACA , she participates in Key club , Varsity Tennis , Varsity Cheer , is an Athletic Ambassador and a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes . She wants to be remembered as somebody who loves the people around her , is joyful in all seasons of life , and centered her life around the Lord . Ava Rose advises incoming high school freshmen to “ Be strong and give it all you ’ ve got . High School can be intimidating to many , however , entering with a positive mindset will help you excel .”
what ’ s next
Ava Rose shared that she wants to become a Physical Therapist . Growing up , she was always interested in the medical field . Helping others has always been a passion of hers and has pushed her towards pursuing physical therapy .
PG ( parental guidance ) rating
She shared “ My family makes me proud in many ways . The one that stands out to me is the close relationship we have with each other . We are supportive towards one another and love being there for one another . My mom always tells me to ‘ Kill them with Kindness .’ " parents ’ perspective
Ava Rose ’ s parents , Holly and Kelly Dean , shared , “ Ava Rose has such a giving and caring personality . She works hard in all she does from striving to do her best in school and sports to supporting her friends . She always has such a positive outlook and attitude , and this helps her to excel in all that she does !”
Holly and Kelly had this advice for other parents , “ Just always be there for them through any situation and make sure they know that no matter what the circumstances , you are there and willing to listen , support and lift them up in any and all ways .”
Teen Spotlights are eligible for a $ 500 Scholarship - Nomination forms at www . potentialmagazine . com / spotlights
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