Potential Magazine Fall 2022 | Page 37

Tallassee High School his story
teen spotlight photography by Shelby Shubird
17 , Senior at Tallassee High School
Reputation on the Line Player of the Week 2021 Jamie Blakey Duals Most Valuable Wrestler Basketball Leadership Award Received the Big Cat Award Vice president for the Junior MANRRS organization
“ Keep going , you don ’ t know what good can come your way if you stop ."

micah cole

Tallassee High School his story

Micah shared that his favorite part about attending Tallassee High School is learning about new things and hanging out with his friends . At Tallassee , Micah is on the Football , Basketball , Wrestling and Track teams , participates in Choir , is a member of the National Honor Society , and is a part of the Junior MANRRS organization at Auburn University . He shared , “ A lot of people don ’ t know that I draw comic book art digitally on my computer and ipad .” He advises incoming high school freshmen to “ get out there and make new friends , try a new hobby , and be yourself .”
what ’ s next
Micah shared that he wants to be a computer programmer . He plans to attend college and major in Computer Science . When asked what sparked his interest in this degree field , he shared , “ The Computer science classes at my school and a programming and coding class at Tuskegee University that I took one summer .”
PG ( parental guidance ) rating
He shared that he gets his best advice from his father who encourages him to not be bothered about every little thing , or let other things distract him from his goals . Micah stated , “ A lot of people inspire me throughout my life , one of them is Kobe Bryant . He inspired me to try my hardest and never give up ." parents ’ perspective
Micah ’ s parents , Kerry and Michelle Cole , shared , “ Micah has a good heart , and he loves to help others . Micah is not afraid to stand alone or speak up for what ’ s right . One thing that makes Micah unique is helping his opponent after a hard hit or wrestling match . He is the first one there to help them back up . Yes , he is the opponent , but he still helps them .”
Kerry and Michelle had this advice for other parents , “ Let your child explore their interests but be that guiding light so they can know their potential . Don ’ t go along to get along . Think for yourself .”
Teen Spotlights are eligible for a $ 500 Scholarship - Nomination forms at www . potentialmagazine . com / spotlights
www . potentialmagazine . com Fall 2022 | L13