Undergraduate Programme Handbook Aug 2013 you are agreeing that you have read, understood and adhered to the School policies on academic dishonesty, mitigation and confidentiality. The nature of the assignment submissions may vary from module to module; each module clearly specifies the submission procedure, therefore please familiarise yourself with this on commencement of the module. Failure to submit both versions will result in delays to the marking of your work and your grade awarded being withheld. Specific instructions for online submission are in your My Dundee module site.
ASSIGNMENT PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS The academic standards set by the University provide consistency in the standard of student work submitted for assessment and external moderation. The checklist below is developed to help students comply with the academic standards governing the delivery of distance learning courses.
All coursework must be:• word processed o submitted in a minimum of point 11 font o double line spaced o with numbered pages o screened for confidentiality o submitted with left and right margins of 2.5cm
THE SUBMITTED ASSIGNMENT JOURNEY The e-mail address for formal summative submissions is
[email protected]
Your assignment will be logged and forwarded to your module leader within 48 hours. Following moderation your assignment may be passed to an External Examiner the outcome of which will be; • • Satisfactory standard a referral; work is determined to be not of a satisfactory standard – additional work will be required and you will be given a 2nd attempt.