Undergraduate Programme Handbook Aug 2013 ? Draw on a range of sources in making judgements.
Communication, ICT and numeracy skills Use a range of routine skills and some advanced and specialised skills in support of established practices in a subject/discipline, for example: ? ? ? Make formal and informal presentations on standard/mainstream topics in the subject/discipline to a range of audiences. Use a range of IT applications to support and enhance work. Interpret, use and evaluate numerical and graphical data to achieve goals/targets. Exercise autonomy and initiative in some activities at a professional level. Take some responsibility for the work of others and for a range of resources. Practise in ways that take account of own and others’ roles and responsibilities. Work, under guidance, with qualified practitioners. Deal with ethical and professional issues in accordance with current professional and/or ethical codes or practices, seeking guidance where appropriate.
Autonomy, accountability and working with others
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Summative assessment applies to the assignment submitted for formal marking. Your assignment is formally marked and graded. Additionally feedback is given to provide comment on the quality of your finished piece of work. The University has a grading scale, which is used in the Bachelor programmes. This is available online here. Appendix B contains the SNM Post Registration Level 9 grading criteria. If your first submission is not satisfactory, then you may resubmit. However although the resubmission may be satisfactory ???????????????????????????????????????????????()1
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