Undergraduate Programme Handbook Aug 2013 Assignments are designed to structure learning around your professional practice, through integration of theory and practice and development of an evidence base for practice. Assignment work helps to develop skills of reflection, problem-solving and critical thinking, with the aim of enhancing and developing professional practice.
The SCQF covers 12 levels of learning grouped into 5 headings: ? ? ? ? ? Knowledge and understanding – mainly subject-based Practice (applied knowledge and understanding) Generic cognitive skills - e.g. evaluation, critical analysis Communication, numeracy and IT skills Autonomy, accountability and working with others
The BScN / BScM or BScHS degree is set at SCQF level 9 which is expanded below
Characteristics The following descriptions are for guidance only — it is not expected that every point will be covered Knowledge and understanding Demonstrate and/or work with:
? A broad and integrated knowledge and understanding of the
scope, main areas and boundaries of a subject/ discipline.
? A critical understanding of a selection of the principal theories,
principles, concepts and terminology.
? Knowledge that is detailed in some areas and/or knowledge of
one or more specialisms that are informed by forefront developments. Practice: applied knowledge and understanding
? Use a selection of the principal skills, techniques, practices and/or
materials associated with a subject/discipline.
? Use a few skills, techniques, practices and/or materials that are
specialised or advanced.
? Practise routine methods of enquiry and/or research. ? Practise in a range of professional level contexts that include a
degree of unpredictability.
Generic cognitive skills
? Undertake critical analysis, evaluation and/or synthesis of ideas,
concepts, information and issues.
? Identify and analyse routine professional problems and issues.