Undergraduate Programme Handbook Aug 2013 ? Inclusion of material that is likely to lead to a serious breach of confidentiality, e.g. a staff nurse or midwife being identified as being unsafe in his/her practice
In these cases a zero grade will be awarded.
Malicious intent
In cases where malicious intent can reasonably be inferred, the issues raised within the assignment will be dealt with via the School Fitness to Practice policy and may also be actioned separately through the relevant NHS Directorate or clinical colleagues with the knowledge of the student or students involved. The penalty for this type of breach will depend on the outcome and may include discontinuation from the programme. It is recognised that the down banding of grades may results in some students failing the assignment as a result, however it does ensure consistency of approach. It is important, therefore, that no other penalty be applied in relation to this area of the work. The penalties det Z[YX??H?X???\?HY??\?[??\?[??\?[?\?\???[?H??XX?????Y[?X[]K?Z[????XX?\???[?X?Z]?H??[?[H?]??[?HY[?Y?YY?H[?]?YX[[?XZ????XX?\?ZY??\?[[?H?\???YH?Z[??\YY???[?[???YY??H[[???]Y?[??\?H[?[K?^[\[???\?H]\??X?\??\?H?[??YHX]\?X[?X?\????Y[?X[[??]\?H???H]][?X?]H?????Y[????[??X?H???????ZY[??H?[??\?H]??[?[H?[?H\YY???[Y[?XYK????B??