Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum Partial Preview | Page 3


About This Curriculum

Curriculum is a broad and often confusing term that can have many meanings . We use “ curriculum ” to mean a plan for learning .
The Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum is a framework that serves as a guide for all aspects of a postpartum recovery , newborn care and breastfeeding course . From bigpicture course goals to specific teaching strategies , this curriculum offers an easy , userfriendly approach to developing or enhancing your instruction .
This curriculum is intended to be customizable and flexible to suit your style and the needs of parents in your classes . You are welcome to modify the content and structure of the lesson plans or add additional content to your classes . Our products are evidence-based and allow for flexibility in the content , manner and style used to convey information .


Whether you are a new educator or experienced professional , you have purchased a product that is designed to help you create a course or enhance your existing instruction , and ultimately empower and inform parents .
The following pages contain resources , insight and information to help you structure your courses while allowing you to customize and design your courses according to your own goals , style and time constraints .
This curriculum is divided into units :
Unit 1 : Postpartum Recovery Unit 2 : Your Newborn ( Newborn Health , Newborn Appearance & Abilities , Caring for Your Newborn ) Unit 3 : Breastfeeding ( Breastfeeding Basics , Breastfeeding Challenges , Beyond the Basics )