Postpartum and Baby Care Curriculum Partial Preview | Page 2


Plumtree Baby

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Authors : Julie Olson , BS , LCCE , FACCE Katie Immel , BA
Cover photo © paulaphoto
First Edition © 2023 Plumtree Baby , LLC
The information in this publication should not be construed as medical advice , nor is it intended to replace the individual care of a health care provider . The content of this publication is intended to serve as a resource in conjunction with a variety of other sources of information , including your health care provider , as you educate yourself regarding postpartum recovery , newborn care and breastfeeding . The publisher , authors , reviewers , and Plumtree Baby , LLC — including their respective members , managers , officers , shareholders , owners , associates , employees , contractors , subcontractors , affiliates , and agents — specifically disclaim any and all liability for any loss , damage or injury alleged to be a consequence , directly or indirectly , of the use and application of any of the contents of this publication .