2 years part time ( 3 start dates per year : January , May and September )
Entry requirements
A second-class honours degree or equivalent in any academic subject , seeking to pursue / continue a career in HR . Applicants with appropriate work experience and professional qualifications may also be considered . Applicants may be subject to interview .
UK / Channel Islands fees
Part time : £ 9,500 ( including a £ 250 acceptance fee )
EU fees with our Transition Scholarship
Part time : £ 9,500 ( including a £ 250 acceptance fee )
International fees
Part time : £ 9,500 ( including a £ 250 acceptance fee )
Providing you are in active CIPD membership , successful completion of this course automatically provides Associate Membership of the CIPD . Dependent on your experience , you may be able to upgrade to Chartered Membership .
Global Human Resource Management ( Distance Learning ) MSc Investigate the impact that the globalisation of businesses has had on the Human Resource Management ( HRM ) industry .
Explore why HR measures that are effective in one country can fail within another , even though they ’ re part of the same organisation . From recruitment and retention , to compensation and company culture , consider how global variations ( both subtle and pronounced ) are considered by employers .
Advance your skills and knowledge to effectively manage human resource issues on a global scale , and help companies realise their global business goals . Utilise case studies of real organisations to develop your knowledge and apply what you learn to your place of work . Choose to develop a real HR action plan for your current organisation as your dissertation . Examine the strategic role and practical application of key HRM functions across the globe , and gain the practical skills necessary to effectively manage employees from a diverse range of cultures and backgrounds .
– Managing Human Resources
– Contemporary Issues in International HRM
– Strategy , Leadership and the Business Context
– Managing the Employee Lifecycle
– Investigative Human Resource Management Project
Human Resource Development and Training Management PgDip Grow your understanding of human resource development by studying while you work on this flexible , distance learning part-time postgraduate course .
Drive forward your human resource development career , taking it to the next level as you learn to get the most out of people .
Underpin your practical experience with human resource development theory and develop your understanding of your role in your organisation within a wider context . Network with other professionals and build your HR and training knowledge . Graduate with a professionally recognised diploma that ’ s accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development ( CIPD ) and aligns with the CIPD ’ s professional standards map .
– Coaching and Mentoring for Development
– HRD Consultancy and Change Management
– Skills for Professional Effectiveness
– HRD Business Project
– HRD Strategic Context
The course is mainly distance learning supported by tutors . You will need to attend campus for two days per module ( 8 days in total ).
2-4 years part time ( September or January start )
Entry requirements
Five years ’ experience as a sales manager or account manager . A portfolio of evidence equivalent to a postgraduate diploma is required , and must be confirmed by the University of Portsmouth Recognition of Prior Learning ( RPL ) procedure .
UK / Channel Islands fees £ 1,900 per 30 credits
EU fees with our Transition Scholarship £ 1,900 per 30 credits
International fees £ 2,980 per 30 credits
Providing you are in active CIPD membership , successful completion of this course automatically provides Associate Membership of the CIPD . Dependent on your experience , you may be able to upgrade to Chartered Membership .