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ENGLISH 1 September 2019 – February 2020 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION  Analysis: According to the results obtained in the observation card number 2, it is demonstrated that the rating of the green recreational areas and sport courts, is 5.  Interpretation: The institution has optimal recreational areas. These areas serve to generate artistic and sports skills in students. The sociocultural practice that is generated manifests a playful and creative development. It fosters creativity that influences the physical and psychological changes of students. 8.  CONCLUSIONS The school “CELITE” has green recreational areas and sport courts. They are in good conditions, they are safe for initial level and it´s equipment is new.  Recreational areas are important, for the student’s interaction, the good use of free time and the generation of extracurricular abilities.  The teachers use the recreational areas properly, to set areas purpose for the good development of learning, using didactic material, playful games and classes outside the classroom. 9.  RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that the recreation areas of the school were enlarged, and that areas to promote art and music be included.  Promote the creation of recreational areas, for the full use of students. In this way they have the opportunity to generate social and communication skills.  Promote the design of a curriculum where recreational areas are used as a means of education. To strengthen playful skills 10. BIBLIOGRAPHY Mitchell, S. M. (2017, 21 julio). Using strategic school design to maximise outdoor areas. Recuperado de https://b4ed.com/Article/using-strategic-school-design-to-maximise-outdoor- areas 27 Dayana Estefanía Carvajal Álvarez