Portafolio de English 1 Carvajal Dayana English 1 | Page 28

ENGLISH 1 September 2019 – February 2020 Thomas, J. T. (2017, 7 septiembre). Learning Outside the Classroom And Its Benefits. Recuperado de https://b4ed.com/http://www.powerfulschools.org/learning-outside-the- classroom-and-its-benefits/ CIRIA. (s.f.). Recreational space. Recuperado de http://www.opengreenspace.com/opportunities-and-challenges/societal/recreation-space/ Devi, R. D. (2019). The Importance and Impact of Recreational Activities in the Educational Curriculum. Recuperado 9 enero, 2020, de https://theknowledgereview.com/the-importance- and-impact-of-recreational-activities-in-the-educational-curriculum/ RUBRICS 28 Dayana Estefanía Carvajal Álvarez