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ENGLISH 1 September 2019 – February 2020 BIBLIOGRAPHY FINAL PROJECT DELIVERY 7. RESULTS To obtain our results, we have used the observation card number 2. In which the observation area is the infrastructure and equipment of the school. There are two indicators that contribute to our investigation. Observation Card N° 2 Area of observation Yes No 1 2 RATING 3 4 5 Infrastructure and equipment of the school The school has green recreational areas.   The school has sport courts.   Rating 6 5 4 3 Rating 2 1 0 Green recreational areas Sport courts Figure 1: Rating Observation card: N° 2 Elaborated by: Dayana Carvajal, Lissbeth Chadán, Johanna Chaglla, Lourdes Chaluisa, Mateo Chicaiza (2020) 26 Dayana Estefanía Carvajal Álvarez