Portafolio de English 1 Carvajal Dayana English 1 | Page 25

September 2019 – February 2020 ENGLISH 1 recreating ones (children and young people) will gradually assume those related to the organization, execution and scope of the shared objectives of the process.  It's important that in the initial sessions detect the reasons why the participants get involved in this way it will be possible to show the changes and transformations of them. In the same way it is possible to identify transformations in institutional motives.  The teacher and the reenactor should also be aware of the help offered by recreation as a means to solve specific tasks within the group related to the planning of activities, the organization structure of the group, the development of mechanisms for participation and commitment of the students. (Sanchez, s.f.) 5. SCHEDULE 6. CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES OF THE INTEGRATING KNOWLEDGE PROJECT OCTOBER ACTIVITIES w e e wee k k1 2 w ee k 3 NOVEMBER w e e k 4 w e e k 1 w ee k2 w ee k 3 w ee k 4 DECEMBRE w e e k 1 w ee k 2 w ee k 3 w ee k 4 JANUARY w e e k 1 w ee k 2 w e e k 3 ASSIGNMENT OF THE TOPIC GENERAL AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE METHODOLOGY SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES DELIVERY OF THE FIRST PART OF THE KNOWLEDGE INTEGRATOR PROJECT THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK RESULTS ANALYSIS 25 Dayana Estefanía Carvajal Álvarez w e e k 4