What a wonderful day it was to reach out potential Hamptonians, but especially Freddy T. Davy Honors College students. At this event I was a host to a group of high school students. I had fun with my group they were very intrested in learning more about HU and what it has to offer. Because this event was on a Friday they all wanted to adventure into the atrium of the student center to see what "social hour" (12-2) was about. Hosting at the DuBois Conference was a day filled with lots of excitment and learning.
Du bois conference
It was an honor to be able to interview canidates for such a prestgious award. Some candidates were in shock to see their peers conducting the interview, but it was great learning experience for me to see where I could be sitting next year.
President's Award Interviews
On a rainy Saturday in April Deans List students gathered in Ogden Hall on the campus of HU to be recongized for their achievements. These students were welcomed with big smiles and a ribbon presented to them by the UNV 300 stduents.