Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 34

Policy in Practice : Guidelines for Student Threats to Staff
Note : Discipline Policy 506.0 addresses student threats to staff . It states : “ Anoka-Hennepin School District No . 11 will take threats of violence against persons or school property , whether physical , verbal or written , including threats via computer , seriously .”
Discipline procedures :
1 . The student will be suspended immediately upon being identified and the parents / guardians informed . If security is an immediate consideration , in-school suspension , or immediate referral to the police may be implemented .
2 . The Principal or designee will investigate the incident to determine the content of the threat , who is involved , the circumstances under which the threat was made , and the potential seriousness of the threat .
3 . The Principal will inform the staff member of the availability of the police liaison officer , the city police or the county sheriff as a resource .
4 . At the conclusion of the investigation the following may occur : A .
B .
If the staff member agrees , a meeting will be held with the student and his / her parents , the administrator and any other appropriate staff from the building or district . The student will be asked to explain the behavior toward the staff member , and will be given the opportunity to apologize . The staff member will have the opportunity to speak to the student and parents about the threat .
The outcome of this meeting will be taken into consideration when the conditions for the student ’ s return to school , and the consequences for the behavior ( listed in # 5 and # 6 ) are determined by the principal with input from the staff member who was threatened .
The student and staff member will not meet ; the suspension of the student will remain in effect , the principal will inform the parent / guardian of the outcome of the investigation by telephone or at a meeting , and any of the options in # 5 and / or # 6 may be implemented .
5 . The consequences for the student may include : A . A suspension for 1-10 days B . Agreed upon restitution or community service C . A transfer to another building within the District D . A recommendation for expulsion from the District
E . Charges may be filed with the police or sheriff ’ s department
6 . The readmission plan at the home building , or the building to which the student is transferred , may include :
A . A psychological evaluation by an outside agency
B . A meeting with the student , parent / guardian , counselor / dean / SSA , prevention advisor , principal and / or other appropriate staff
C . A change of schedule for the student
D . An agreement that the student join a support group or activity
Policy in Practice : School Bus Discipline Rules and Regulations
The following rules and regulations have been adopted by the Anoka- Hennepin District 11 School Board . It is hoped that these guidelines will help us to provide safe transportation to and from school for your student . Students should be at the bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled time . As per Minnesota Statute 123B . 90 “ Riding a school bus is a privilege , not a right ”.
Students who have the opportunity to ride district school buses may do so as long as they display behavior that is reasonable and safe . Choosing to engage in unacceptable behavior will result in loss of bus service . The bus driver is responsible for the safety and discipline of students on the bus . The building principal is available to give assistance to the driver and will determine the consequences of misbehavior , and the reinstatement of bus service for the offending student ( s ) should a suspension become necessary . A suspension applies to all buses unless otherwise designated by school officials . The responsibility for student supervision by the district shall begin when the student boards the bus in the morning and is retained until the child leaves the bus at the end of the day , or until released to the parent / guardian in a manner consistent with guidelines on release of students .
Under the Laws and Rules for the Operation of School Buses in the State of Minnesota , it is stated “… no materials , including guns , loaded or unloaded ; gasoline cans , empty or full ; animals or any other object of dangerous or objectionable nature are transported in the school bus when children are being transported .” Cell phone use , along with the use of digital or video photography is strictly prohibited on the bus .
Band instruments that will be allowed on the bus are those that
CLASS I 1st Offense : 2nd Offense : 3rd Offense :
4th Offense :
CLASS II 1st Offense : 2nd Offense : 3rd Offense :
4th Offense :
Consequences of Bus Offenses
Warning or 1-5 days suspension 1-10 days suspension 1 . 5-10 day min . suspension 2 . Possible loss of all bus service 3 . Parent / Principal meeting / optional Loss of bus service
5 days suspension 10 days suspension 1 . 10 day min . suspension 2 . Possible loss of all bus service 3 . Parent / Principal meeting / optional Loss of bus service
The bus and the bus stop are extension of the school day . Bus and bus stop consequences may be superseded by district policy . The bus driver has the authority to assign seats . The sexual / racial / religious harassment policy , weapons policy , and bullying policy will be strictly enforced on the school bus as well as at school . Video cameras may be used on school buses .
32 ahschools . us / policies 2022-23 School Handbook