Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 33

prevent harm to another student . Physical aggression is defined as :
• Assault : physical assault - touching or striking of another individual intended to inflict bodily harm to an individual . Does not include minor physical contact .
• Fighting : Two or more persons mutually participate in the use of force or physical violence that may require intervention to end the altercation , physical restraint , or results in injury . Fighting does not include conduct rising to the level of physical assault , nor does it include roughhousing or play fighting .
• Physical contact : intentional or unintentional physical contact between a student and another individual or individuals that is not age-appropriate and may or may not involve hard contact ( for example , non-age appropriate pushing / shoving , hitting , knocking other individuals over , play fighting ). This is distinct from actual fighting .
The consequences may also apply for offenses which take place at other locations , but directly affect school programs or activities .
Procedures concerning Promoting / Instigating / Aiding physical aggression
Promoting / instigating / aiding physical aggression -- contributing to an act of physical aggression verbally or through behavior or by preventing the intervention of a staff member who is attempting to stop an act of physical aggression .
An administrator will use his / her discretion to determine if there has been a violation of the promoting / instigating physical aggression policy .
An administrator , with the approval of an associate superintendent , may use his / her discretion to apply more appropriate consequences when needed to provide for the safety of all students .
All federal and state rules and regulations concerning special education students will apply to these policy procedures
First offense : a . possible suspension
b . conference with parents and student stressing appropriate conflict resolution strategies .
c . parent and student will be reminded of the consequences directed by the district ’ s Promoting / Instigating / Aiding Physical Aggression policy procedures which include expulsion
Second offense : a . suspension
b . conference with parents and student stressing appropriate conflict resolution strategies .
c . parent and student will be reminded of the consequences directed by the district ’ s Promoting / Instigating / Aiding Physical Aggression policy procedures which include expulsion
Further offenses : a . suspension
b . possible referral to the School Board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year
Please see page 45 for explanation of Reasonable Force when used on students .
Note : Any physical aggression toward a staff member will result in an immediate ten day suspension and a referral to the school board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year . If a staff member is injured while attempting to protect the safety of others , any student who contributed to this injury by their actions or their failure to comply with staff instructions , may be suspended and referred to the school board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year .
Grades 6-8 ( offenses cumulative during middle school years )
First offense : a . possible suspension b . parent conference
c . counseling session with school / peer mediation or with an external agency
d . parents and student will be notified that further offenses may result in a referral to the School Board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year
e . referral to law enforcement officials
Second offense : a . five to 10-day suspension b . parent conference
c . counseling session with school / peer mediation or with an external agency
d . possible referral to the school board for a conditional expulsion e . referral to law enforcement officials
Further offenses : a . Ten-day suspension
b . referral to the School Board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year
c . referral to law enforcement officials Grades 9-12 ( offenses cumulative during high school years )
An administrator will use his / her discretion to determine if there has been a violation of the physical aggression policy .
An administrator , with the approval of an associate superintendent , may use his / her discretion to apply more appropriate consequences when needed to provide for the safety of all students .
All federal and state rules and regulations concerning special education students will apply to these policy procedures .
First offense : a . five-day suspension b . parent conference
c . parents and student will be notified that any further offenses will result in a referral to the School Board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year
d . referral to a local law enforcement agency e . referral to Activities Director
Further offenses : a . ten-day suspension
b . referral to the School Board for an expulsion of up to one calendar year
c . referral to law enforcement officials
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 31