Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 32

the conditions for return to class will be determined at a conference between the principal and the teacher . Students removed from class shall be the responsibility of the principal or designee . The principal or designee shall inform the student and the student ’ s parent / guardian of the conditions for returning to class .
D . If a student ’ s total days of removal from class exceeds ten ( 10 ) cumulative days in a school year , the principal or designee shall make reasonable attempts to convene a meeting with the student and the student ’ s parent or guardian prior to removing the student from class . The purpose of this meeting is to attempt to determine the pupil ’ s need for assessment or other services .
E . Parent notification : Parents shall be notified of a violation of the rules and of the resulting disciplinary action . Under unusual circumstances , principals may determine that it is not necessary to notify the parent / guardian .
F . Modified Learning Program : The short-term modification of a student ’ s program , not to exceed five days per infraction , during which the school district retains custody of the student .
G . Out of School Suspension :
1 . Suspension is the short-term exclusion , not to exceed five days ( unless the student presents a danger to themselves or others ) per infraction of the student from school during which the school is relieved of the custody of the child . If the suspension is longer than five days , the suspending administrator must provide the superintendent or designee with a reason for the longer suspension . A suspension may not extend beyond fifteen days . Upon the sixth day of a suspension an alternative form of education must be presented to the child , i . e . supervise homework .
2 . Suspensions shall be utilized in accord with the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act and with Anoka-Hennepin School District policy .
H . Exclusion and Expulsion
1 . Exclusion is an action taken by the School Board to prevent enrollment or reenrollment of a student for a period that shall not extend beyond a school year .
2 . Expulsion is an action taken by the School Board to prohibit an enrolled student from further attendance for a period of time that shall not extend beyond one calendar year from the date the child is suspended for the expellable offense .
3 . Exclusion and expulsion shall be utilized in accordance with the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act and Anoka-Hennepin School District policy .
A . Summer school is not a state or federally mandated program , and students are not required to attend . Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No . 11 has rules and regulations regarding the granting of credit for courses taken during the summer school ; essentially these regulations state that participants must make up every day of absence from summer school in order to complete the necessary minimum number of hours for course credit . Excessive absence could result in a student being dismissed from a summer school credit course .
B . Parents and students should be aware that summer school also differs from the regular school year in that alternative programs are not provided for students who exhibit attendance and / or behavior problems . Students will be dropped from summer school for violations of the student code of conduct .
C . Anoka-Hennepin School District No . 11 recognizes its obligations to provide students the elements of due process . Due process is the implementation of procedures which when adhered to guarantees the protection of equal rights . Before a student is dropped from summer school , the appropriate due process components will be followed .
D . The Anoka-Hennepin School District ’ s discipline policy applies to summer school .
A . Publication : This policy shall be published and distributed annually for all students utilizing one or more of the following methods : publication in a student handbook ; publication in a principal ’ s newsletter to parents with the request that the parent discuss the policy with the student ; publication in pamphlet form to be distributed ; and / or publication in a districtwide mailing to parents .
B . Building-level Supplement : The building principal may supplement this policy with rules and regulations for a particular building . However , no such rule or regulation shall be inconsistent with School Board policy .
C . Dissemination to Students : This policy and supplemental building rules and regulations shall be reviewed with students in classrooms at the beginning of each school year .
D . Annual Review : The principal and representative staff and students in each school building shall confer at least annually to review the discipline policy and to assess whether the policy is appropriate and has been enforced . Any recommended changes shall be forwarded to the Superintendent for review .
Policy in Practice : Physical Aggression / Fighting
Physical aggression / fighting is addressed in section III , B , # 6 of the Anoka-Hennepin School District discipline policy . Disputes between students need to be handled by reporting the dispute to a school staff member and by following the mediation and conflict resolution processes , which are available at your school . Anoka- Hennepin District 11 is committed to creating a positive climate in all of our schools , where all students feel comfortable , safe and ready to learn , thus physical aggression / fighting has no place in our schools . Physical aggression / fighting is extremely disruptive to the school setting , therefore Anoka- Hennepin ’ s consequences for such behavior are very harsh .
The following consequences will be applied if it has been determined that a student has been physically aggressive toward another student or if a student has to be restrained in order to
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