Policy Handbook 2022-23 | Page 35

are small enough to be held in the student ’ s lap . Instruments may not be in the aisle or take the space of a student . Hockey sticks , lacrosse sticks , golf clubs , sleds , or any other unacceptable recreational equipment will not be allowed on regular buses . Ice skates , skate shoes , skateboards , in-line skates , and bats will not be allowed in the bus unless enclosed in an athletic-type canvas bag or are otherwise inaccessible . Damage to personal items is not covered by the bus contractor ’ s / district ’ s insurance coverage .
Students are assigned to buses and bus stops . No change in either bus or stop is permitted without change in either bus or stop is permitted without transportation department authorization . Temporary changes may be made by school administrators for authorized emergencies only .
Failure to ride the assigned bus to / from the assigned bus stop may jeopardize the safety of students and may result in disciplinary action .
Behavior Guidelines and Consequences
CLASS I OFFENSES 1 . Spitting 2 . Excessive noise 3 . Horseplay / mischief / distracting behavior 4 . Eating / drinking / littering on bus 5 . Leaving seat / standing without permission from driver 6 . Use of liquid containers in any form
7 . Profanity , verbal abuse , harassment , obscene gestures or possession of unacceptable material
8 . False identification / refusal to identify oneself 9 . Riding unassigned bus or using unassigned bus stop 10 . Opening window past safety line 11 . Riding or attempting to ride any bus during a bus suspension 12 . Disobedience to the driver / para-educator / bus patrol 13 . Cell phone use 14 . Other offenses as reported by the driver or principal CLASS II OFFENSES 1 . Hanging out of windows 2 . Throwing / shooting of any object 3 . Bullying and / or physical aggression against any person 4 . Profanity / threats directed toward bus driver / paraprofessional 5 . Possession / use of tobacco or any controlled substance 6 . Vandalism to bus ( restitution will be made )
7 . Holding onto or attempting to hold onto any portion of the exterior of the bus or any “ Danger Zone ” infringement
8 . Lighting of matches , lighters or any flammable object or substance
9 . Unauthorized entering or leaving bus through emergency exit / tampering with the bus equipment
10 . Possession or threat of weapons / explosives / flammables 11 . Other offenses as reported by the driver or principal 12 . Possession / use of laser pens or pointers
13 . Any offense committed on any bus outside of regular transportation to and from school ( activity , field trip , shuttles , etc ) will carry a minimum penalty of a Class II first offense .
No . 102.0 : Equal Educational Opportunity Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that equal educational opportunity is provided for all students of the Anoka-Hennepin School District .
A . It is the district ’ s policy to provide equal educational opportunity for all students . No student shall be discriminated against on the basis of race , color , creed , religion , national origin , sex / gender , marital status , disability , familial status , status with regard to public assistance , sexual orientation , gender identity , or age . The district does not deny any student access to the benefits and opportunities of its educational programs . The district also makes reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities .
B . The district prohibits the harassment of any individual for any of the categories listed above . For definitions and information about the types of conduct that constitute violation of the district ’ s policy on harassment and violence and the district ’ s procedures for addressing complaints under this policy , refer to the district ’ s Harassment , Violence , and Discrimination Policy . The district prohibits retaliation against anyone who brings a complaint or participates in an investigation .
C . Pursuant to Minnesota law , all students , including transgender and gender non-conforming students , shall be permitted to use any and all facilities consistent with their gender identity . Transgender and gender non-conforming students will only be required to use individual and / or otherwise separate facilities if every student is required to do so . Upon their voluntary request , any student who desires increased privacy shall be provided with a reasonable alternative changing area or with a separate changing schedule .
D . This policy applies to all of the academic and nonacademic programs of the district , including , for example , coursework , co-curricular and extracurricular activities , and other rights or privileges of enrollment . This policy will be enforced before , during , or after school hours on all school property , including the school bus , school functions , or events held at other locations . The policy also applies to any off-campus conduct that causes or threatens to cause a substantial and material disruption at school , or interferes with the rights of students or employees to be free from a hostile school environment taking into consideration the totality of the circumstances on and off campus .
E . It is the responsibility of every district employee to comply with this policy , to intervene to attempt to stop any violations of this policy , and to report all violations of this policy .
F . Any student , parent or guardian having any questions regarding this policy should discuss it with the building
2022-23 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 33