no other major infringements of school rules are incurred. For major violations of school policies,
expulsion may result.
Dogs are not allowed anywhere on the campus which the Sacred Heart shares with the convents, the
University, a dormitory and some other institutions of the Sacred Heart.
It is also strongly urged that dogs are not chained to the school gate or fence while the parents take their
children into/from school.
Electronic Equipment
As a High School privilege, HS students are permitted to use cellular phones and portable music players
during break and lunchtime. Abuse of this privilege will result in the loss of the privilege.
Emergency School Closure
e-Learning Policy (K3-G12)
During an emergency, all day school closure (eg: typhoon, snow day, earthquake), student learning will
continue through e-Learning via Moodle (in MS/HS) or class Weeblies (in K/JS).
Expectations for Admin:
l When possible, advance notice will be given to parents, students and teachers that an e-Learning day
may be imminent e.g. “there may be a typhoon tomorrow”. The notice will advise everyone to check
the school website from 6:00am and remind students/parents to check Moodle or Weebly should
school be cancelled.
l This policy will be published on the school website and in the Faculty/Staff handbook, and will be
reviewed with faculty, students and parents each year.
Expectations for Teachers:
l Assignments will be posted on the splash page on Moodle or on the class Weebly by the time the
class is scheduled to start.
l Assignments will only be for classes that students would have attended that day.
l Any work will be in context of the learning taking place in the classroom.
l Relevant details and materials need to be accessible to the students.
l Instructions need to be explicit.
l Time spent working should not exceed the regular class time.
Personal circumstances of a student will be taken into account regarding completion work. [email protected] Revised on March 18, 2019 15