POD Section 3
Delivering Passenger and Freight Services
You will need to know all aspects of real-time service delivery including ensuring the safety , quality and efficiency of freight and passenger services in train movement , stabling and interfaces with stations , stops and depots .
How good is your knowledge ?
Complete this self-assessment to see how well you know this subject area and what you can do to improve your knowledge and experience .
Essential Knowledge & Experience Elements
Passenger first thinking , station , stops and terminus delivery ; staffing , premises , security , pedestrian flow , information in normal & degraded working
Regulations and legislation
Quality and safety – platform / passenger-to-train interface , operations standards and training , safety audits , inspections fitness for duty , incident response plans and emergency procedures and incident investigation
Freight operations delivery ; route availability , axle loads , RT3973 , container sizes , train speed , train length , brake force , dangerous goods , load securing , timing loads , Short Term Planning ( STP ) and VSTP
Route and traction learning , driving simulation Connectional policies Disability arrangements Interface with train despatch system Interface with adjacent routes Stopping points Ready to start equipment Passenger flows and risk to passengers on the railway network Terminus / station dwells and effect on capacity Train Service management during disruption and perturbed working
Traincrew Resource management to deliver a timetable ( passenger / freight differences )
Trade Union input into resourcing provision Total points
0 None
1 Basic
2 Moderate
3 Good
Add up your score using one point for Basic , two for Moderate and three for Good . Use your combined score to see suggested activities on the opposite page .
Chartered Institution of Railway Operators