During the Summer Term , the Music Department has been staging lots of small-scale concerts to give opportunities for all pupils to perform . These have included the lunchtime concerts Pocklington Parish Church , and our 4.05pm ‘ Rush Hour ’ Concerts in the The Recital Hall . Other concerts have been held on and off site at Sheffield Cathedral and a Charity Musical Theatre Society Concert held in the Music School at the end of term .
Notably , our main Summer Concert was a joint venture with the Prep School . This was a huge success and many thanks to our performers and all who supported ! We now have six students wanting to learn the saxophone for Swing Band which is positive !
Mr Sam Austin , Director of Music
30 cadets took part in an action-packed overnight exercise in May that included patrolling under darkness , cooking in the field and our paintball close quarter battle range .
The training was enjoyed by all , and we were able to develop elements of our fieldcraft training beyond expectations given how training has been limited over recent years .
Our final big event of the academic year was the Third Year Introduction to CCF off timetable days . The activities included paintball firing , gun run , survival skills and command tasks and our Third Years were able to rise to the challenges we threw their way whilst having a super time . Many have signed up to join the Contingent next year as a result and they will go on to develop important skills whilst challenging themselves in the great outdoors .
We now look forward to Army and RAF Summer Camps and plenty of flying for the RAF , competitions , and overnight opportunities throughout the next academic year .
Samantha Hughes , Contingent Commander