Pocklington School Newsletter Lent 2024 March 2024 | Page 3

Lower School

Middle School

What a short but action-packed term it has been . From Lower School play rehearsals to the York Mix Radio event during Charity Week , and from sports fixtures to photography competitions , our pupils have been doing what they do best - throwing themselves into all that School has to offer . Within tutor time , our Second Year pupils have prepared and presented their ambitio projects and we look forward to welcoming families next term for the ambitio project open afternoon . We have been developing and practising our revision skills which will provide invaluable guidance as pupils work towards the School exam week in May . Social media continues to play a leading role in the lives of many of our young pupils . I wholeheartedly encourage our parents to build and maintain an active presence and open dialogue at home regarding appropriate behaviour and the dangers and challenges that pupils might face online . I wish you all a restful Easter break .
Samantha Hughes , Head of Lower School

Sixth Form

This term is very much the engine of the year . After the test of stamina that is Michaelmas , Lent bursts with challenges and opportunities . Third Year have had decisions to make , with Options Evening , Parents ’ Evening and then submission of GCSE choices . The Fourth Year will wonder that only a year ago they were in the same position ! It ’ s been remarkable to see the Fourth Year ’ s capacity this term : not just CCF , but Duke of Edinburgh , King Lear and HPQ . Fifth Year have been building on their mocks , firming up post-16 choices , and have had one-to-one conversations with senior staff in order to support them to be in the best position possible ahead of their exams this summer . Once we return , they will have twenty days of Middle School left ...
Inaayat Hashim , Head of Middle School
Throughout the Lent Term , our Lower Sixth students have been learning about the wide range of post-18 opportunities that are available to them , with presentations from a broad range of providers on universities in the UK , apprenticeships , studying abroad and gap years . They have also begun our programme of employability workshops which explore areas such as ' Brand you ', ' Effective communications and networking ', ' Confidence and resilience ' and ' Success at interviews '. These workshops aim to enable our students to stand out from the crowd in the future job market . Meanwhile , our Upper Sixth students have been busy completing UCAS and other applications ( most have already received a wide range of exciting offers and are now making firm and insurance choices ), and preparing for , sitting , and learning from , the February mock exams . With only a few weeks to go before the summer exam season , every bit of practice and feedback is absolutely crucial !
Tim Morris , Head of Sixth Form