16 Spring, 2013 \ parallaxium.enjin.com
Remember to check the forums on the website frequently. They are there for the use of everyone, so please be sure to use them to ask questions, find out information about events or the game in general, or post something great to other people.
The forums are also the place to go if you have any good ideas for the guild. Add these to the Feedback section!
There are also role-play and fan-fiction forums in the Discussion section!
Authors and role-players, feel free to submit any SWTOR fan-fiction or role-play stories to the forums!
Feel free to discuss all kinds of stuff, but do remember that the forums are moderated by the Guild Leaders.
Remember the Forums
The magazine is looking for a graphics designer for pictures to go through the whole magazine - for ads, to fill in spaces etc. to make it look friendly and nice. If you think you have what it takes, post in the forums or send a in-game message to Khryztofa!
WANTED - Graphics Designer!
More and more of our members are starting to use our voice server to coordinate Flashpoints and PVP, general questing, or just to have a good social chat. For a while, we tested Mumble, a popular VoIP program.
However, we have a new solution! It's called RaidCall, and it's awesome!
You can sign up here (it's free).
Download the program, then log in, search for the Group 7515758 and chat away - it's that simple!
The best thing is that it fully supports text chat - so even if you don't have a microphone, we'd LOVE for you to join us!
We're all looking forward to having a chat with you!
A tip: RaidCall is automatically set up with Push-to-Talk activated, which by default is the F2 key. You can change this key, and most other configurations in the Settings window.
Tip of the Season!
Parallaxìum and Parallaxíum are in the search for level 50+ Characters so that we can start Events for the Guilds! So if you see an UnGuilded 50+ Player talk to them and get them on the website and registered! Lets Help out our Events Manager GarenMuln!
WANTED - 50+ Characters!