/ Spring, 2013 15
Other Events
Quesh World Boss: Enridious, Sithaari, Zaverah, Xristoph and Zyakun.
Quesh World Boss: Enridious, Sithaari, Zaverah, Xristoph and Zyakun.
to the World Boss's location, the rest of the team, comprising of Xristoph, Sithaari, Enridious and Zyakun, tormented the World Boss by taking aggro, smashing out some damage then running away. They took this time to have some fun and get the boss aggrivated and riled up.
The group of four had a great time just mucking around, as the Guild Members usually do, until Zaverah finally joined them. They then killed the boss with ease and a lot of fun. Lastly, they went to Quesh. They had navigational issues trying to get to the World Boss's location, and had to wait on Zaverah again.
"What happened to Road Runner?" Zyakun asked the group, to which someone replied, "I think she has lost her running."
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On October 9th, Enridious gathered up some Guild troops for a World Boss run to complete the [[Weekly] Priority Targets] mission. They first headed out to Tatooine, but someone had recently been there and killed it, so the group ventured through the depths of Nar Shaddaa to face the droid World Boss. The 5 Guild Members killed the boss in under 10 minutes.
They then headed to Alderaan. The World Boss was there, and while waiting on Zaverah to get
So you want your photo in the Gazette at an event. Well get online and give GarenMuln our Events Leader some ideas of when and what events you would like to do! Help him help you!
Written by Khryztofa.
Photos from SWTOR.