/ Spring, 2013 17
Guild Rewards
Guild Promotions!
Garen Muln - Manager
Vodega - Aspiring Manger
Zaverah - Guild Hero
Xristoph14 - Guild Hero
Sithaari - Guild Hero
Guild LOTTO Winner!
We have no winners unfortunately due to no entries!
Guild Website Achievements!
Congratulations to:
Donor: Khryztofa, Sithaari, Yuki Matsuda, Lailocai, RoadStarII, Exl'ker, TheChadillac
Donator: Khryztofa
Guild Hero: Zaverah, Xristoph14, Sithaari
Frequent Visitor: Zaverah, Kateryne, Brualmate, Xristoph14, Khryztofa, Yuki Matsuda, Garen Muln
No Place Like Home: Yuki Matsuda, Khryztofa, Garen Muln
Member of the Month: Garen Muln (Sep), Xristoph (Oct), Sithaari (Nov)
Screenshot Contest Winners: Xristoph14 (1st), Garen Muln, Zaverah
Enter now for your chance to win! Contact Khryztofa
Rhipkord - Recruiter
TheChadillac - Recruiter
RoadStarII - Recruiter
DMDonahue - Recruiter
Chaian'Rijk - Recruiter
Congratulations To: