Freeloader I am sorry , Your Grace . Where were we ? Twaddle It is this place , I really should never have asked you to come here ? Freeloader No ! No ! Don ' t apologise , Your Grace , I think your little home is very comfortable . Twaddle No Sir ! No Sir ! You have it wrong . My home is in West Way , as I have already informed you . Cretin His home is opposite the Bird Club . Twaddle Cecil that will suffice ! I am sure Mister Freeloader is quite capable of working out where Westway is . This is Cecil ' s little home - so to speak . Cretin Funken hell - - Twaddle CECIL , I said , that will suffice . Freeloader Of course , of course it is Little Cecil ' s little home , how careless of me . Was it not he who ejected his friend just a few minutes ago ? Cretin Friend - - what frigging fr - - Twaddle Cecil , I have warned , that will suffice . Twaddle Now , Basil , shall we retire to my spacious home in West Way ? Freeloader No need , Your Grace , thank you for offering but we may as well get on with business in Cecil ' s domestic abode . Cretin That ' s better ! Home indeed ? Freeloader Now , let me tell you , Your Grace , I do have a man in mind for your task . This man is somewhat of a professional , and does not come cheaply , Snipes His bleeding self , wait till you see . Twaddle How much ? Freeloader Twenty guineas . Twaddle Ug - - oop ! - - tw - - twenty - - twenty guin - - twenty guineas it is . Freeloader Petty cash to a man of your position - Your Grace . Twaddle Indeed Sir . Indeed , as you say - petty cash . Pickles But Basil Freeloader had no intention of leaving it at that . Freeloader Can I respectfully suggest Your Grace : would it not be more desirable to have a sprinkling of our own men in the crowd at meetings ? People who will ask favourable questions and not risk entrapment by the media ? Twaddle Loaded ? Imbalanced , are you suggesting ? Gallowsbird No need ! No need !