PLENTY Magazine Summer 2021 | Page 16

Hidden Ridge Farm Flowers and Herbs

similarities end there .
I started Hidden Ridge Farm Flowers and Herbs as a sort of easing-intoretirement second career .
The flower farming part
I had been an avid — some
was a success ; the semi-
would say fanatic — week-
retirement part didn ’ t work
end , hobby flower gar-
out so well . Having grown
dener for 25 years , so I
hay for horses and cattle
thought transitioning to es-
on our 50-acre farm in the
tablish a commercial flower
heart of the Ag Reserve
farm business would be a
for 15 years , my husband ,
natural , seamless “ scaling
Tom and I carved out about
up ” process . I could not have been more wrong .
a quarter acre for flowers ten years ago . Boosted by
Melane Kinney Hoffmann
Gardening and flower farming both involve flowers , require good soil , weed management , and planting the right plant in the right place at the right time . The
the demand for “ all things local ,” I expanded over the years , and now have about three acres in production of about 75 varieties of flowering shrubs , annuals ,
perennials and foliage , and four part-time employees whose hard work make it all possible . My passion for flowers and flower arranging motivated me , but my
hours , and other factors . But fortunately , increasing demand for local flowers made it all worthwhile , and supportive feedback from happy clients and custom-
career in business , market-
ers is what keeps us going .
ing and strategic planning ,
After honing and refin-
which included experience
ing our business model for
in complex project man-
a decade , we have now
agement , is what made
settled on a few offerings :
the business work . I
our signature mixed bou-
could never have
quets at independently-
anticipated the in-
owned grocery stores and
vestment needed
farm stores , a subscription
in infrastructure
( CSA ) bouquet series , fun
like agricultural
on-farm flower workshops ,
irrigation , sup-
and wholesale to florists .
port netting to
One constant we have
make flowers
learned over the years ,
grow straight
however : flowers spread
and protect
happiness , connect us to
from wind ,
nature , and brighten up
massive amounts
any day ! They express love ,
of organic fertil-
affection , thanks , concern ,
izers and compost ,
and thoughtfulness . Their
and more . Another
variety in color , texture ,
complication is that
height , shape , size , and life
each flower is its own
cycle reflects the beauty of
unique crop requiring
diversity in all things .
varied water , soil nutrients ,
soil texture , sun / shade
16 plenty I Summer growing 2021