Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 25

HISTORY OF THE PACK OF CARDS 21 own hands, but the fall The Future is in each person's correctly interpreted, of the cards, if ing against possible to put forth still dangers that may alternatively they may lie serve as a warn- ahead of us, or and cause us secure some desirable serve as a stimulus greater efforts to result. Before describing the various methods of Card Divinashould like to point out that it is not necessary tion, I to memorise The and mark the the various meanings of the cards. simplest plan is to use a special pack, meanings and combinations on the face of each card. In this way you avoid all tedious references and quickly learn how to read from any particular fall of the cards. It is not considered possible to work for your own information with any degree of accuracy, but that need not prevent your regular practice with the cards. and cut as if you Shuffle were a stranger to yourself, ask reasonable question that occurs to you, and in that any way endeavour to gather from the fall of the cards what answer you would give a stranger under similar circumPractice will soon make you proficient, and will stances. open your eyes to the wonderful combinations that are Cartomancy. Begin with an ordinary modem pack of Playing cards, but go on to the full Tarocchi Divination. You need not be extravagant over the purchase of a genuine Tarot possible under pack, but can easily cut twenty-six cards of the ordinary upon which you can write the necessary descriptions. For the Tarot Divination cards, you need only number then you need a your blanks from one to twenty-one Fool, and finally the four Knights, one for each suit. In this way you can obtain a cheap and very interesting pack of Tarot Divination cards, with which you can size, ; entertain, and possibly help your friends.