Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 24

CARD FORTUNE TELLING 20 It would therefore be hopelessly ridiculous to expect any one set of details concerning the the cards to repeat questioner's future ; indeed, one cannot reasonably expect the repetition of even one dominant point, unless the questioner has sufficient will power to keep his or her thoughts steadily upon the one point. you use the Cards, or the Crystal, to oblige a friend is idly curious, you may deal in twenty different ways and never get two that agree. What else can you If who expect ! It is therefore advisable to make sure that your sitter and then persuade him or her to concentrate their thoughts upon one principal dominant idea let it be what it will. Then you may reasonably expect to get good results. Let me give one e arnest word of warning never offer really in earnest, is — — to pretend to " foretell the Future " As far as we know, there Future for any one of how drifting is placed or affected is —all no that impossible. fixed, or rigid definite, you can do how he is to point out is likely to be whether a certain thing, desirable or never that it will likely to come about the subject unpleasant, us- is ; ; or she is ; — come about. Free will is the key-note of all Dame Nature's efforts, master of his own Destiny, within the limitations of his own personality. Bear that clearly Never state that a in mind when you read the cards. will happen, but that it appears probable in the thing and every one of us is For instance, present course of affairs. indicated, it ma}^ in many or greatly modified in precaution are taken. —we its effects, if an illness is It is just the reasonable care and same with people and need not drift their way, struggle against them. affairs if cases be avoided altogether, if we choose to