Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 26

CARD FORTUNE TELLING 22 Should you have any know any artistic powers, or happen to gifted friend, these extra cards can be orna- to your own fancy, provided you numbers. In fact, it would not be a difficult task to design and paint a full pack of Tarot cards for your own use in which case a visit to the mented and coloured insert the necessary — Museum you some upon which to base your designs. In the modern printed packs, there is much needless monotony, but in a genuine Tarot pack, or in a modem hand-painted pack, no two cards would be alike. For the Heart suit, you would introduce one Cup in an upper comer for the Ace, and so on otherwise you can let your fancy rove how and where it will. One suit could British or the Guildhall would give useful ideas ; represent Flowers, another Animals, a third a series of Women's Costumes of various ages, a fourth Birds —you can vary them to any extent, though each suit should show a similarity of thought for all the cards. —A pack of seventy-eight Tarot Cards, with guide, can be obtained from the publishers of this book, Note. for 8/6 post free.