Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 18

CARD FORTUNE TELLING 14 that one is almost forced to the belief that there must be some other explanation. It is suits important that we should notice that the Tarot contained ten numbered cards, as in the pack, and also four principal cards, now known modem as Court which originally consisted of King, Queen, Knight, and Jack, four natural grades of rank, if we look upon the Jack as the " common people." For some unknown reason, the Knight was omitted, but the idea of the four Court cards was actually retained, and the simple " On e " of the suit was promoted over the head of the King. It seems to me probable that this was an attempt to retain the Fool, which really forms part of the more important section of the Tarot pack, which was not used as a full pack of seventy-eight cards, but a sort of twin pack, with a Major, or Great Arcana of twenty-two cards, and a Minor, or Lesser Arcana of cards, fifty-six. Having reduced the pack to fifty-six cards, the loss was quickly realised, and the lowest card of each suit was then made into a sort of limited or local Fool, with the power of the original Fool, of trumping of the Fool the King, though only of his introduction of own suit. what amounted to a This superstitious fifth Court card caused the throwing out of the Knight, and the universal adoption of our curious modern pack, which consists of four Court cards and ten commoners, yet only contains thirteen cards ! This explanation of the reduction of the pack to two cards appears to be confirmed by the fifty- later appear- ance of the Piquet pack, popular in France and on the Continent —here the pack is reduced to thirty-two cards, four Court cards and four commoners in each suit. As the " One " card had been promoted to the proud posi-