Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 19

HISTORY OF THE PACK OF CARDS tion Fool or Ace, of illogical — to it was natural — though 15 absurdly continue the reduction from that end of the pack. Thus we have the very ridiculous pack containing Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, and the four Court cards. If the Piquet pack had been derived from the original Tarot pack of fifty-six cards, it would undoubtedly have contained One, Two, Three, Four, Jack, Knight, Queen and King. a very curious fact that there should be four suits a pack of cards, although as already shown these balance nicely with the four Estates Priests or Rulers, It is in : Warriors or Fighting Men, Merchants or Artisans, and the Tillers of the Soil or common people. An early Eastern form of the game of Chess was a four-players variation, each alternate player partnering his vis-a-vis, same as in modern Bridge or Whist. The two partners in this form of Chess used pieces of a similar colour two using red pieces, the other pair using white just the — Then from the East, dating from about the we have the four suits of the Tarocchi cards, again two red and two black. or black same ! period, common Eastern origin for Chess and Cards, and the probability seems to be that card playing or Divination has been derived from Chess. It is worth noting that there is an obscure form of Chess All this points clearly to a which the pieces are all off the board at first, as are the cards in the hands of a player they are placed on the board or table one at a time, as the player's turn, in ; comes round, and they are not active displayed —just till they are thus as in card games. In the early years of the fifteenth century, the art of was perfected, and printed coloured cards came into use in place of the old hand-painted packs. About the middle of that century, the present suit engraving