Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 17

HISTORY OF THE PACK OF CARDS modern sense the suit, in this has Curiously enough of the word. always been the suit we 13 now call Clubs, which originally represented the Tiller of the Soil. Obviously there is a sound philosophy in this arrangement, for the mass of the people were indirectly taught that good fortune would follow their tions, own and that they should not bhndly personal exerrely upon the favour of the high gods. This suit has been variously represented in the past Baton is shown sometimes as a branch with sprout; the ing leaves it ; seems probable that our modern Club is derived from the lucky Trefoil, a very old and widespread superstition. It may represent the " business " end of a with the shortened handle turning downwards. the Club or Trefoil suit is the lucky one for spade, Anyhow Divination purposes. easy to see It is squared a crudely Diamond, with it is its how the Piece of Money, originally of piece modern also quite clear that the and blade It is of a metal, changed into association with wealth ; the and Spade represents the handle Sword, typical of the fighting caste. important that we should clearly understand these changes before we consult the cards as to our future, because the modern suit names are merely nonsensical, whereas the original Tarot suits assist us to follow the reasoned meanings given to the various cards. Here, then, in the old Tarot pack of fifty-six cards, as also in the we have modern Playing pack four typical suits. the alteration in number, unless for the number it " Thirteen " superstition, in all Divination. of fifty-two cards, It is difficult to account for was done out of respect that being the fateful Yet the original fourteen cards to the suit was not altered for Divination purposes, but purely for games ! This appears so contradictory