Platinum Advertisement Magazine Sept/Oct 2017 Vol 32 | Page 34

Be Honest. Agree to be honest. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's the key to a healthy relationship. Admit that you aren't always perfect and apologize when you make a mistake instead of making excuses. You will feel better and it will help strengthen your relationship.

Check Your Body Language. Make eye contact when speaking. Sit up and face your partner. Let your partner know you're listening. Show them you really care. Don't take a phone call, text or become distracted when you're talking. Listen and respond.

Use the 48 Hour Rule. If your partner/friend does something that makes you angry, you need to tell them about it. But you don't have to do so right away. If you're still hurt 48 hours later, say something. If not, consider forgetting about it. But remember other individuals can't read your mind. If you don't speak up when you're upset, there is no way for them to apologize or change. Once you do mention your hurt feelings and your partner/friend sincerely apologies, let it go.

Don't bring up past issues if they're not relevant or keep going over the same thing.

" How to Communicate if You are Angry"

Stop. If you get really angry about something, stop, take a step back and breathe. Give yourself time to calm down by watching TV, talking to a friend, playing a video game, taking a walk, listening to some music or whatever helps you relax. Taking a break can keep the situation from getting worse. Try and focus on the positive.

Think. After you're no longer upset, think about the situation and why you got so angry. Was it how your partner/friend spoke or something they did? Figure out the real problem then think about how to explain your feelings.

Talk. Finally, talk to your partner/friend and when you do, follow the "Healthy Communication tips above. Be specific.

Listen. After you tell your partner/friend how you feel, remember to stop talking and listen to what they have to say. You both deserve the opportunity to express how you feel in a safe and healthy environment.