Platinum Advertisement Magazine Sept/Oct 2017 Vol 32 | Page 35

Communicating isn't always easy. At first, some of these tips may feel unnatural or awkward, but they can help you communicate better and build a healthy relationship with others.

Don't forget you can use these tips in a chat room. Although you may not be face to face. Use the chatting back and forth the same way you would in person. For example, give your fingers a rest and if you are in a chat room where thoughts are being expressed by the signal of a bubble over the avatar's head... be courteous and wait. Also, definitely be careful what you type in the chat or send to a message box. Reread before you hit that send or return key. It's easier to wait and listen then to have to clean up some drama or really lose a good friend or a potential partner. Never hesitate to ask for clarification. If you are in doubt about what is being discussed, always ask for an explanation or state that you do not understand what they are trying to say. Don't forget to restate what you understand before you close the chat. Just remember ... keep it simple and to the point. Be honest or don't type anything you may regret. But most of all treat others the way you wish to be treated. THE GOLDEN RULE ALWAYS WORKS!

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