Plastic Ocean Jun. 2014 | Page 13

In recent years, the world has become more aware of the dangers that plastic trash causes within our oceans. Because of this, the EPA or the Environmentl Protection Agency, has passed some laws, treaties, and regulations to help stop the problem7.

Land - Based Laws:

Beach Act

Clean Water Act

Pollution Prevention Act

Resouce Conservation

and Recovery Act

Ocean - Based Laws

Shore Protection Act

Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act

Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act

On a website called Ocean Conservancy, it talked about something known as the International Coastal CLeanup. During this event, volunteers clean coastal beaches and local waterways in 97 countries across the world2. The photo shown above shows the top 10 countries that participated in this event. This year, the International Coastal Cleanup is on September 20th, 2014.