Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 35

Advancing Space Technology for ISAM Maturity and Success
Accurate and convincing ISAM performance demonstrations will show that servicing and life extension activities are more valuable than replacement spacecraft . Digital engineering , vs traditional file-based approaches , leveraging model-based systems engineering ( MBSE ) and simulation enables startups and OEMs to establish a strategy to validate and verify requirements before comparison against functional , logical or physical representation . This helps them conduct comprehensive analyses of system engineering choices and associated trade studies to fine-tune the accuracy of their proposals .
Simulation capabilities have greatly advanced to aide in the development of new space systems . High fidelity , physics-based simulation enables new space players to cut overall ISAM demonstration timelines . For example , collaborative structural simulations enable all teams to work together to quantify and upgrade the structural performance of subsystems and components during the launch process .
This results in significant reductions in development time , reductions in the cost of physical testing , and less time spent on efficiency improvements . A digital environment enables stakeholders to collaborate on the same platform where they can swiftly define system architecture , verify prototypes , optimize manufacturing processes and get ISAM capabilities proven and market-ready ahead of the competition . Dedicated demonstrations will show the effectiveness and availability of ISAM technology so new space players can accelerate its adoption .
2 . Standardization
While there is a standards compendium available from the U . S . Office of Space Commerce 22 , it is broad and specifics for ISAM are yet to solidify . Today ’ s new space industry lacks consensus on the interoperability of space systems . Insufficient standards in interfaces , modularity , certification and operational safety make it difficult for ISAM capabilities to benefit all . Standardizing regulations and engineering interfaces promise to promote ISAM adoption by lowering entry barriers , nurturing competition and decreasing satellite maintenance costs .
Some companies have openly shared their designs and standards for docking and refueling ports . These initiatives are changing the current space paradigm and promoting a forward-thinking , integrated space environment .
3 . Collaboration
As the space industry expands , there is a growing need for improved collaboration between governments and private organizations to divert us from an unsustainable space environment . All new space players must work together to create an active ISAM ecosystem . The question is : How ?
Space Industry Technical Standards – Office of Space Commerce Journal of Innovation 31