Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 34

Advancing Space Technology for ISAM Maturity and Success
• Changing orbits and extending the life of systems as demonstrated by Northrop Grumman Space Logistics Mission Extension Vehicle ( MEV ). 19
• Astroscale completing a technology demonstration of their inspection , rendezvous and proximity operations capabilities in LEO in 2021 and successfully demonstrating flyaround observations of space debris in July of 2024 . 20
• NASA has contracted commercial companies for space station fielding by 2030 to replace the ISS . 21 Axiom Space , Blue Origin , and Nanoracks are leading the assembly of these commercial destinations in-space to be a foundation for space-based laboratories and shop floors that will create capabilities for manufacturing in-space .
Based on ISAM use cases , in-space servicing and assembly capabilities should be ready for deployment in the next five years . Although in-space manufacturing could take longer , private companies can acquire a more prominent role in the new space market by creating added value in novel areas .
Getting new space systems active and operational is challenging , and three critical barriers affect ISAM adoption in the new space economy :
• Lack of successful demonstrations of ISAM abilities by industry
• Lack of standardization from agencies or adoption of standards by industry
• Lack of collaboration to shift from past models of design and operation of space systems
These barriers must be addressed for ISAM to enable the next generation of civil , national security , and commercial space missions .
1 . Demonstrations
Satellite companies do not yet have the operational history of ISAM successes they need to adopt ISAM capabilities and standards with confidence . Real-world demonstrations in space take time and resources . A history of successful and affordable ISAM technology demonstration from commercial providers is still emerging . Additionally , short-lived satellites and reduced launch costs are making replacement satellites cheaper than servicing or life extension activities , especially for small satellites ( SmallSats ). In the long term , however , this scenario is not sustainable – launching new satellites into space while disregarding malfunctioning or dead satellites further contributes to the space junk cascade .
19 https :// www . northropgrumman . com / space / space-logistics-services
20 https :// astroscale . com / astroscales-adras-j-continues-to-make-history-successfully-demonstrates-flyaround-observations-of-space-debris /
Commercial Destinations in Low Earth Orbit - NASA 30
August 2024