Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 33

Advancing Space Technology for ISAM Maturity and Success
Examples of In-Space Assembly & Manufacturing ( not an exhaustive list )
Assembly Areas
Structured Assembly
Surface Construction
Build structures using pre-manufactured components by assembling them in space .
Connect infrastructure on a planetary surface using Earth- or space-based materials .
Manufacturing Areas Description
Parts and Goods Manufacturing
Recycling , Reuse and Repurposing
Surface Construction
Produce components in space from Earth- or spacebased stock materials .
Transform spacecraft , parts and materials for new usages and purposes .
Construct , excavate and outfit infrastructure on a planetary surface with Earth- or space-based materials .
Table 2-2 : Examples of in-space assembly and manufacturing .
The full breadth of ISAM capabilities will foster an active space ecosystem characterized by ongoing space debris removal , in-space services such as refueling and repositioning , and satellite repair and upgrade . Through ISAM , the new space environment will be one where human-made objects are in space for a purpose , not due to abandonment or end of life . Implementation of ISAM changes our approach from throwaway to sustainable .
1 . How Mature Is ISAM Today ?
ISAM technology development began with the Gemini program and progressed to refueling capability demonstrations by Progress and Salyut a decade later . The Space Shuttle demonstrated multiple astronaut-assisted retrieval and repairs of satellites . In 1986 a Soyuz T- 15 retrieved and transferred cargo from Salyut 7 to Mir . Each of these incremental steps was enabled by maturing technology and creative approaches to fulfilling needs . 18 Today , commercial capabilities have emerged .
Some examples include :
The Development of In-Space Servicing , Assembly , and Manufacturing Technology : Drivers , Challenges , and Policy Implications | RAND
Journal of Innovation 29