Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 32

Advancing Space Technology for ISAM Maturity and Success
and private sectors . In the private sector , space logistics ( On-orbit servicing , Space Situational Awareness , and Debris Mitigation ) have been the leading types of funding round activities since 2019 with on-orbit servicing leading within the space logistics area . 16 In-space services meet satellite needs in orbit by providing transport , communication , life extension , situational awareness or debris removal .
Examples of Space Servicing Areas ( not an extensive list )
Servicing Areas Description Orbit
Orbital Tugs
Orbital Servicing , Life Extension and Refueling
Debris Removal
Space Situational Awareness
Transport satellites to the correct orbit after launch and remove them at end of life
Prolong satellite life by providing power or fuel in orbit
Protect existing satellites by removing debris or dead satellites
Improve orbital environment understanding , predict conjunctions in orbit , and track debris and satellites
Primarily LEO
Primarily LEO and GEO
Table 2-1 : Examples of space servicing areas .
In-space assembly enables the connection of components to create larger , more complex structures . In-space manufacturing ( for structures , parts , and goods ) transforms raw or recycled materials to fabricate structures in space . 17 Both capabilities are active from LEO to GEO and beyond .
16 https :// www . spacecapital . com / space-iq
17 isam _ state _ of _ play _ final _ 2022 _ v2 _ S _ 2022 _ 10 _ 17 . pdf ( nasa . gov ) 28
August 2024