Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 31

Advancing Space Technology for ISAM Maturity and Success
ISAM capabilities are a technology enabler for building a responsible , safe , and commercially viable space industry . To prepare for an ISAM-driven space ecosystem , it is crucial to understand ISAM ' s drivers , full capabilities , and current technological maturity .
1 . What is Driving Advancement in ISAM ? a . An increasingly unsustainable space environment
Approximately one million debris objects from 1cm to 10cm are in space . Recalling the Kessler Syndrome , debris mitigation measures must be conducted now to prevent uncontrolled debris growth . Collision risks in low earth orbit ( LEO ) already threaten at least U . S . $ 35 billion of space assets , further emphasizing the clear and present need for debris removal actions and ISAMincorporated spacecraft to stabilize the space environment . Shifting to sustainable systems – through life extension and / or upgrade also contributes to sustainability of the space environment .
b . Renewed international interest
In the last decade , worldwide interest has spurred ISAM development towards ensuring we have a sustainable space environment . The White House published a national implementation plan 13 outlining a roadmap toward realizing ISAM-enabled opportunities . Following suit , the US Space Force ’ s small business-focused innovation unit awarded contracts to businesses collaborating with research institutions to develop active debris remediation technology . 14 Similarly , The European Space Agency is conducting extensive work on in-orbit servicing and debris removal as part of its clean space initiatives . 15
2 . Unbridled technology growth
Innovations such as reusable launch vehicles are creating more cost-effective space systems . Progress in robotics and automation in space has also led to more feasible and practical ISAM concepts . Traditionally , a human-in-the-loop presence is necessary for space operations . The end goal , however , is autonomous operations , where artificial intelligence ( AI ) -powered systems can leverage predictive analytics to generate in-space solutions for servicing , maintenance and manufacturing . More sophisticated satellites and constellations will facilitate enhanced missions , capabilities and benefits to life on Earth .
3 . What are some of ISAM ’ s Capability Areas ?
While ISAM capabilities began development in federal space programs over 60 years ago , development of commercial capabilities is rapidly growing with investment from both the public
NATIONAL-ISAM-IMPLEMENTATION-PLAN . pdf ( whitehouse . gov )
Orbital Prime - SpaceWERX
ESA - Clean Space Journal of Innovation 27