Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 30

Advancing Space Technology for ISAM Maturity and Success
servicing , assembly , and manufacturing ( ISAM ) offer a solution . ISAM capabilities overcome conventional paradigms of launching ‘ one and done ’ assets by improving spacecraft performance , availability , and lifespan .
ISAM started in 1961 in the Gemini program with demonstrations of rendezvous , proximity , and docking operations . NASA continued to advance this mission area with programs like Skylab , spacecraft repair missions with the Space Shuttle Fleet , assembly of the International Space Station ( ISS ), and robotic refueling missions – among others . 8 Fully advancing commercial ISAM capabilities and incorporating them into tomorrow ’ s space systems will improve resiliency and flexibility , expand space mobility and logistics , and form the foundation for more sustainable and innovative space operations and exploration . Commercial ISAM is on upward trajectory towards establishing an active ecosystem . All-new space players are leveraging digitalization and simulation to defy the barriers to enter the ISAM market , accelerate its technological maturity and succeed in the new space race .
Since 2008 , 80 satellites in geosynchronous orbit ( GEO ) have suffered anomalies that could have benefited from on-orbit servicing . 9 In-space servicing of satellites can significantly extend the life of the system and is a valuable tool for companies to extend service experiences that customers depend on . 10 This servicing portion of ISAM is a steadily growing market area . The on-orbit satellite servicing market is expected to reach nine billion U . S . dollars , globally , by 2031 at a 10.59 % CAGR . 11 According to the Center for Space Policy and Strategy , 12 ISAM refers to a broad suite of in-space capabilities that include :
• Space situational awareness and space object inspection and relocation
• Servicing : Altering or resupplying spacecraft
• Assembly : Aggregating or connecting pre-manufactured components
• Manufacturing : Transforming raw materials into components , products or infrastructure for use across industries terrestrially and in-space
Timeline of In-Orbit Servicing , Assembly , and Manufacturing ( ISAM ) Advances – Past , Present and Future | New Space Economy
04 _ kunstadter _ space _ insurance _ update _ axa _ xl _ scaf _ 220111 . pdf ( nasa . gov )
MEV-2 servicer successfully docks to live Intelsat satellite - SpaceNews
On-Orbit Satellite Servicing Market to Reach $ 9.0 Billion , Globally , by 2032 at 10.59 % CAGR : Allied Market Research ( prnewswire . com )
Game Changer : In-Space Servicing , Assembly , and Manufacturing for the New Space Economy | Aerospace Center for Space Policy and Strategy
26 August 2024