Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 29

Advancing Space Technology for ISAM Maturity and Success
Similar to the golden age of flight 100 years ago , today we are in the golden age of commercial space . New space missions – In-Space Service , Assembly , and Manufacturing ( ISAM ) in this case - are enabling capabilities in space to expand the space economy , improve life on earth , and extend our use of space farther than ever before .
Keyword : ISAM ( In-Space Servicing , Assembly , & Manufacturing )
The new space economy is open for business . With an estimated value of $ 1.8 Trillion by 2035 1 , the rising commercialization of space operations and exploration is attracting startups , investors , and the major space OEMs alike . Private sectors are leveraging their resources and capabilities to advance the space ecosystem , while governments are embracing the involvement of private companies .
Over the past years , this collaboration has increased the interest and investment in new space opportunities . In 2022 , startup space ventures attracted eight billion U . S . dollars in financing . 2 There are predicted to be 4,000 to 5,000 satellite launches per year by 2030 . 3 Additionally , the number of active satellites in-orbit is expected to grow three times within the next decade . 4 With investment , access to space , and satellites on-orbit all increasing , new space players can progress ISAM technology to achieve a resilient space economy . 5
There are over 35,910 objects regularly tracked in space and we have seen over 640 break-ups , collisions , or other events resulting in fragmentation . 6 As the number of objects continue to increase , so does the probability of collisions and unexpected events . The Kessler Syndrome 7 denotes a scenario where collisions between orbiting objects – active or inactive – create more space debris , resulting in a domino effect of future collisions and eventually creating unusable areas in orbit .
Curbing the space junk cascade and achieving the new space economy ’ s full potential will require a more sustainable approach to space operations . If industry and government players continue with a throwaway mindset when designing and building satellites , how can the new space economy keep expanding ? New generations of spacecraft designed specifically for in-space
1 https :// www3 . weforum . org / docs / WEF _ Space _ 2024 . pdf
2 https :// brycetech . com / reports / report-documents / Bryce _ Start _ Up _ Space _ 2023 . pdf
3 https :// www . mckinsey . com / industries / aerospace-and-defense / our-insights / space-launch-are-weheading-for-oversupply-or-a-shortfall
4 https :// www . mckinsey . com / industries / aerospace-and-defense / our-insights / the-role-of-space-indriving-sustainability-security-and-development-on-earth
Defy Limits With Space Technology | Aerospace & Defense - Dassault Systèmes ® ( 3ds . com )
ESA - Space debris by the numbers
Understanding the misunderstood Kessler Syndrome - Aerospace America ( aiaa . org ) Journal of Innovation 25