Pioneering Innovations in Aviation and Aerospace 25th Edition | Page 36

Advancing Space Technology for ISAM Maturity and Success
Space industry architecture , along with its participants , roles and rules , has not evolved as quickly as space technology . 23 With siloed ways of working , it will be more challenging for the industry to generate a consolidated strategy to advance ISAM adoption .
Evolution from file-based systems into collaboration in a secure environment where private companies , research institutes and government bodies can work together on the most updated information is a critical enabler . With complete industry visibility , new space players are empowered to build an active and sustainable ISAM ecosystem together . Companies also gain traceability within and across their teams , ensuring efficient and agile approaches across the product or service lifecycle .
As new space players prepare to conquer the new frontier of space , the next generation of space systems is emerging , paving the way for more sustainable space operations and exploration . ISAM capabilities hold the answer to new space progress . Technologies such as digital twins and virtual twins turn physical objects and the processes associated with them into interactive and collaborative models . Leveraging the advantages of digital engineering is vital to advancing ISAM maturity and success .
Additionally , simulation with digital engineering elements can reveal insights and allow refinement of products and processes before fielding into space where realization of errors or better ways are too late or too costly to change . A century ago , aviation was entering the golden age of flight . Similarly today , the golden age of commercial space is upon us and ISAM capabilities are pivotal in driving new space progress .
[ 1 ] World Economic Forum Insight Report . April 2024 . “ Space : The $ 1.8 Trillion Opportunity for Global Economic Growth ” by WEF and McKinney & Company https :// www3 . weforum . org / docs / WEF _ Space _ 2024 . pdf
[ 2 ] Bryce Tech . October 2023 . “ Start-up Space : Update on Investment in Commercial Space Ventures .“ https :// brycetech . com / reports / report-documents / Bryce _ Start _ Up _ Space _ 2023 . pdf
[ 3 ] McKinsey & Company . April 2023 . “ Space Launch : Are We Heading for Oversupply or a Shortfall ?” https :// www . mckinsey . com / industries / aerospace-and-defense / our-insights / spacelaunch-are-we-heading-for-oversupply-or-a-shortfall
23 https :// www2 . deloitte . com / us / en / insights / industry / public-sector / future-of-space-industry . html 32
August 2024